
Day 1

 There were wins today. 1. Terminal Love I fully conceptualised a command in the terminal and "got" how it interacted with another part of my computer. For me, the terminal has always been a strange black box that you copy unmemorable commands into.  Yesterday was different though. Whilst I was solving a challenging code deployment I entered "CD" followed by the root path I wanted the terminal to look at.  Then, with the magic of a command a new file was modified.  Nice. 2. Forking a Repo Github has always given me the same "strange website in a strange land" vibe that terminal has.  Yesterday I forked a repo though and it was easy.  I forked it then I used terminal to localize that repo like the pittyfull string of bytes it is.  Github know thy master!  Not me.  But Github really should know it's master.  That's all I'm saying. 3. Framework wrangling So much of the day was spent wrangling framework installs.  Absolutely exhausting.  The good n